Check out PIHOA’s quarterly E-Newsletter HERE for the latest news from the US-affiliated Pacific Island (USAPI) health community. The July 2019 E-Newsletter features a summary of various regional meetings, conferences and trainings and updates on current regional activities related PIHOA’s key initiatives such as health information management systems and surveillance, human Resources for health, performance management and quality improvement, laboratory strengthening, pacific basin primary care office and regional health policy and engagement. Hot topics discussed in this quarters E-Newsletter include pacific health security, walkability assessments, public health interns in Micronesia, hybrid survey dissemination workshops, impacts of climate change on health, continued laboratory training in the region, prevention and control of chronic disease and associated risk factors, oral health, risk communication and capacity building. The E-Newsletter’s PIHOA Spotlight section also featured USAPI success stories from American Samoa’s Dr. Anaise Uso regarding A Data for Decision Making Success Story, Palau’s Ms. Minidy Sugiyama on Improving Human Resource Management One State at a Time and Yap’s Ms. Maria Marfel on A Story for Future Laboratory Professionals.