Check out PIHOA’s quarterly E-Newsletter HERE for the latest news from the US-affiliated Pacific Island (USAPI) health community. The October 2019 E-Newsletter features a summary of various regional meetings, conferences and trainings and updates on current regional activities related to PIHOA’s key initiatives such as health information management systems and surveillance, human resources for health, performance management, and quality improvement, laboratory strengthening and regional health policy and engagement. Hot topics discussed in this quarters E-Newsletter include data for decision-making training, bloodborne pathogens training, internship opportunities, a new PIHOA Associate Board Member spotlight, PIHOA Secretariat staff travels to meet with federal partners, Kosraes hybrid survey dissemination workshop, American Samoas lymphatic filariasis mass drug administration project, quality control and method validation training and the TB and Leprosy Free Chuuk project. The PIHOA Secretariat staff was also fortunate enough to participate in various round table discussions with high-level officials visiting Honolulu such as the U.S. Surgeon General, Jerome Adams, the World Health Organization Regional Director for the Western Pacific, Dr. Takeshi Kasai and U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Rear Admiral Louis C. Tripoli.