September 21, 2024 (Nadi, Fiji) – From September 2-6, 2024, in Nadi, Fiji, we hosted the inaugural Pan-Pacific Conference on Climate Change and Health in partnership with Pacific-Community-SPC and World Health Organization (WHO). This groundbreaking event brought together island leaders and partners from diverse sectors – including health, environment, finance, and agriculture – to explore the critical connections between climate change and health. We were honored to have Minister Gaafar Uherbelau, Palau Ministry of Health & Human Services and Minister Steven Victor, Palau Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and the Environment, lead the discussions, representing the highest levels of commitment. This successful convening has sparked a call to action for future gatherings and garnered unanimous support to establish a Pacific Regional Network for Climate Change and Health, with revised terms to be submitted at the Pacific Ministers of Health Meeting in 2025. Together, we’re taking crucial steps towards a healthier, more resilient Pacific.