Regional Initiatives 

PIHOA’s regional initiatives cover a broad spectrum of health issues relevant to the needs and context of the USAPIs, and are directed and guided by the PIHOA Board of Directors and organizational mandates.  PIHOA’s key regional and institutional priorities are outlined in PIHOA’s Strategic Plan 2013-17, and reiterated again in the recently endorsed PIHOA Strategic Framework for Action 2018-22 that will guide PIHOA’s strategic direction for the next five years.  PIHOA’s mandates and regional priorities continue to align with and affirm the core principles of the 1995 Yanuca Declaration, and which were again endorsed under the Pacific Healthy Islands Vision 2015, whereby “children are nurtured in body and mind; environments invite learning and leisure; people work and age with dignity; ecological balance is a source of pride; and the ocean which sustains us is protected”.