March 25, 2024 (Honolulu, HI) – The Inaugural Pacific Public Health Fellowship Program Summit ran from March 22-24, 2024, in Honolulu, HawaiĘ»i. The three-day summit covered crucial topics for Fellows and Host Site Supervisors in order to be successful in the program. Below is a daily recap from every day of the summit.
Day One Recap – It was a packed agenda yesterday for Day One of the Inaugural Pacific Public Health Fellowship Program Summit! We had the honor and privilege of having a surprise visit from the President of Palau, the Honorable Surangel Whipps Jr. PIHOA Board President and Palau Minister of Health and Human Services, Minister Gaafar Uherbelau, PIHOA Executive Director Emi Chutaro, and PPHFP Program Manager Soulmaz Rostami made opening remarks and introductions. The PPHFP Host Site Supervisors engaged the Fellows in discussions on the importance of pursuing a career in public health across the USAPIs. Host site supervisors also showed the impact PPHFP Fellows are making in the field. Mahalo to the Hawai’i Health & Harm Reduction Center and Kalihi-Palama Health Center for a wonderful afternoon tour of their facilities and insight into their programs and services. Day one of the summit concluded with small group interactive discussions!
Day Two Recap – Plenary sessions on day two dove deep into the PPHFP program requirements, expectations, and tips for developing a PPHFP work plan. Fellows and host site supervisors engaged in small-breakout group discussions. They had an afternoon Meet the Expert Session with the CDC, during which they learned about the powerful Hear Her Campaign and health leadership. The day concluded with fellow and jurisdiction presentations, during which we got a snapshot of what each fellow is working on in the islands and their plan to support the region further!
Final Day Recap – Yesterday, we closed out the last day of the Inaugural Pacific Public Health Fellowship Program (PPHFP) Summit in Honolulu. The day started with a special award ceremony for a handful of Fellows that completed their Strengthening Health Interventions in the Pacific (SHIP) Program! Congratulations to all graduates. Fellows learned tips and best practices when preparing for the workforce with PPHFP Fellow Mentor Casierra Cruz. Dr. Yvette Paulino, PPHFP Mentor Trainer spent time with Host Site Supervisors covering topics on how to mentor effectively and support their Fellows. This may be the end of the summit, but not the end of our work of building future public health champions, and leaders in the Pacific